Sponsor/Vendor Contract

This contract is currently under revision. Please contact midwestaoac@yahoo.com to review sponsor/vendor policies.

The following rules and regulations become binding upon acceptance of this contract between the exhibitor, his/her employees and agents, and the Midwest Section of AOACI, the Exposition Management, and any additions and amendments thereto that may thereafter be established or put into effect by the Management.

Space will be assigned to all exhibitors on a “first-come, first-served” basis according to the earliest received applications.

a. Applications for exhibit spaces must be accompanied by payment in full through PayPal or debit/credit card, as required in the instructions on the Vendor Contract. Applications received without full payment will be delayed in processing and space assignment.
b. Should an exhibitor cancel a show, the following shall apply:
(1) Cancellation between the time of application and 61 days before opening; full refund, less 10% processing fee.
(2) Cancellation from 31-60 days before opening; refund of one-half the booth cost reserved.
(3) Cancellation less than 30 days before opening; no refund.
c. No cancellations shall be acknowledged unless received by the Midwest Section of AOACI by email to midwestaoac@yahoo.com
The date upon which the notice of cancellation is received shall apply as the official date of cancellation.
d. Upon cancellation notice, the Midwest Section of AOACI has the right to re-sell the vacated space.

The dimensions of the exhibit spaces are described in the Vendor Contract. Please specify any power requirements or additional items needed for your exhibit on the Vendor Contract.

Enforcement and interpretation of the following rules and regulations are those of the Midwest Section of AOACI Planning Committee.
a. Exhibits may be set up and dismantled at the following times:

Exhibit Set-up
Monday, May 12, 2025
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Exhibit Dismantled
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
12:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

b. Exhibitors will not be permitted to dismantle their exhibits until the Exposition is officially closed. If they fail to remove exhibit material from the convention floor after the move-out period, they will be responsible for all storage and handling charges.
c. The exhibitor agrees to make no claims; for any reason whatsoever, against the Midwest Section of AOACI conference sponsors or other contractors for loss, theft, damage, or destruction of goods; or for any injury to him/herself or employees.
d. Exhibitors may ship items to the Marriott East Lansing University Place any time before the conference for storage. Marriott East Lansing University Place requests all items arrive as close to the meeting date as possible. Complimentary storage will be provided for 24 hours. All shipment items received by the Hotel will incur a standard per piece handling charge, which will be added to your room folio. Outbound shipping will incur the same handling fees if not previously charged, plus actual shipping costs. Handling rates are as follows:

  • Envelopes and Boxes less than 25 pounds are up to $5.00 per box, per day.
  • Materials over 25 pounds or of unusual size will be priced by a Hotel Catering Manager.
  • Pallets received will be charged $250.00 per day, per pallet.

Please address all shipments with the Guest Name, Company Name, Event Name (Midwest AOAC Section Meeting), and Event Start Date to

East Lansing Marriott
300 MAC Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823

a. Neither will the Midwest Section of AOACI, their official service contractor, the exhibit facility, their members, nor the representatives and/or employees thereof be responsible for injury, loss, or damage that may occur in the exhibit area or to the exhibitor’s employees or property, from any cause whatsoever, prior, during, or after the period covered by this Contract.
b. The Midwest Section of AOACI, its agents, and employees will not be liable for failure to hold the Exposition as scheduled. Payment for exhibit space will be returned in that event, except any actual expenses incurred in connection with the Exposition will be deducted if the Exposition is called off 30 days or less before the opening date because of fire, or any act of God, or the public enemy, or strike, or epidemic, or any law, or regulation, or public authority, which make it impossible or impractical to hold the Exposition.
c. The exhibitor agrees to maintain such insurance which will fully protect and hold harmless the Exposition Management and the exposition facility from any and all claims of any nature whatsoever, including claims under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, and for personal injury, including death, which may arise in connection with the installation, operation, or dismantling of the exhibitors’ display.
d. Damage to inadequately packed property is the exhibitor’s own responsibility.
e. Damage to the facility housing the Exposition, caused or done by the exhibitor, shall be replaced or repaired by the exhibitor. Additionally, the exhibitor agrees to protect, save, and hold harmless, the Midwest Section of AOACI, and the meeting facility, of and from all loss, liability, and/or damage whatsoever, caused to the facility housing the Exposition, or any part thereof, directly or indirectly.
f. The exhibitor is advised to add on to their existing insurance a portal-to-portal rider, protecting them against the loss/damage to their materials by fire, theft, accident, etc., and the exhibitor hereby acknowledges that should such loss/damage occur, it is not the responsibility of the Midwest Section of AOACI or the exposition facility, or any of their vendors, contractors, subcontractors, or other agents.

We, the undersigned company, do hereby make an application to participate as an exhibitor in the Exhibition indicated by this contract.

Electrical outlets and cords will be provided based on your requirements. Additional charges will be applied according to the electrical requirements needed.

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