The geographic area of the Midwest Section AOAC International shall be the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, West Virginia, and Wisconsin; and the Canadian Provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan. The address of the Section shall be that of the current Section president.
The section shall promote and support the purpose and objectives of the Association, “promoting quality measurements and methods validation in the analytical sciences, “as stated in the “AOAC INTERNATIONAL Bylaws”, Article II, by:
1. Promoting interest and participation in the Association’s purpose and programs.
2. Providing a regional focus and forum for the Association and its members and addressing regional analytical needs.
3. Providing a means of increasing analytical scientists’ knowledge and technical skills, primarily through seminars, forums, workshops, and other similar technical updates.
4. Providing means to improve communications with the Association’s membership.
5. Identifying and communicating with appropriate non-member laboratories, organizations, educational institutions, firms, and individuals in the region to encourage their participation in Section and Association programs; and
6. Developing cooperative relationships with educational institutions, government, industry, and other organizations interested in method development and validation.
2025 Sponsors
2025 Host
620 Lesher Pl
Lansing, MI, 48912
(+1) 517-334-0821
Contact Midwest AOAC International: midwestaoac@yahoo.com